First published: 29 Jul 2022
Last updated: 29 Jul 2022

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Intent of the guidance

The Gateway security guidance package is designed to assist organisations to make informed risk-based decisions when designing, procuring, operating, maintaining or disposing of gateway services and captures contemporary better practices.

As gateway security functions are becoming readily available in cloud service offerings, gateway architectures are evolving. Hybrid and cloud-native gateways, combined with new ways of working, means that gateway architectures will look different in the future. This guidance package outlines how organisations should approach cyber security challenges to make their gateways more secure, flexible and adaptive to different architectures and delivery models.

The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) has co-designed this guidance with key industry and government stakeholders through a consultative process.

Why is this guidance needed?

The changes to the Australian Government’s gateway policy aims to create a risk-based authorisation model. The gateway policy update includes changes to the Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) that aligns the process for gateways with the existing Authorisation to Operate (ATO) process replacing the previous Certification Authority role performed by ASD. This empowers non-corporate Commonwealth entities (NCEs) to adopt a risk-based approach to gateways, and the flexibility to adopt the gateway solutions which best suit their security requirements.

NCEs should gain assurance and inform themselves of the risks relating to designing, procuring, operating, maintaining and disposing of gateways through this guidance as well as the Infosec Registered Assessor Program (IRAP). As of 29 July 2022, ASD’s Certified gateways list has been replaced by this guidance.

Intended audience

This guidance is one part of a package that forms the Gateway security guidance package written for audiences responsible for the design, procurement, operation, maintenance and disposal of gateways. When designing, procuring, operating, maintaining or disposing of a gateway, it is important to consider all the documents from the Gateway security guidance package at different stages of governance, design and implementation.

Diagram explaining a summary of the gateway security guidance

While this guidance is primarily intended for Australian Government gateway consumers and their service providers, it can be used by any organisation designing, procuring, operating, maintaining or disposing of a gateway. In this Gateway security guidance package, the terms organisation, consumer and provider are used throughout the guidance for general use. Australian Government non-corporate Commonwealth entity is only used where there may be explicit requirements under the PSPF or other policy.

Policy and other considerations

The Gateway security guidance package should not be considered government policy or a checklist. ASD recommends organisations assess their gateways against their obligations under the PSPF, specifically as they relate to risk management (ISO 31000), ICT risk management (ISO 27001), the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, and the guidance within the Information security manual (ISM) and the Department of Home Affairs’ Protective Security Policy Framework.

NCEs should use the results of gateway IRAP assessments to inform their authorisation to operate decisions.

Commonwealth entities seeking to procure gateway services must consider the Department of Home Affairs’ Hosting Certification Framework and ensure all sensitive and classified government data and associated infrastructure is hosted by a certified provider. The framework provides a process for government customers to attest to the risks of using a service.

Contact details

If you have any questions regarding this guidance you can write to us or call us on 1300 CYBER1 (1300 292 371).

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