To help you meet your cyber reporting requirements, this list brings together Commonwealth legislative reporting requirements that could be triggered by a cybersecurity incident.
When you are experiencing a cybersecurity incident, the Australian Government’s priority is to support you. We know that cybersecurity incidents can be complex and it can be difficult to understand how to meet your reporting requirements.
Under the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy, we have committed to making it easier for entities affected by a cybersecurity incidents to meet their regulatory reporting obligations through a three-phased approach.
This is the first phase of our commitment to developing a single reporting portal for cybersecurity incidents.
ASD is not a regulator and does not own the contents of this page.
If you have any questions about your reporting requirements or any of the links provided please contact the relevant Department or agency directly, contact details will be on their website which you can access through the links below.
Questions regarding the Single Reporting Portal as an initiative of the 2023-30 Australian Cyber Security Strategy should be directed to the Department of Home Affairs.
Cyber Security Reporting
Use the filters below to help you find the responsibilities most likely relevant to you.