Securing your accounts
Protecting accounts is the first line of defence to protect your information from cybercriminals.
Securing your devices
How to secure your devices
Devices such as phones, tablets and laptops have become an essential part of our modern life. Learn how to protect your personal information on your devices.
How to back up your files and devices
A backup is a digital copy of your important data, such as photos, documents, and financial records. If your data is lost, you can use your backup to restore it.
How to update your device and software
Cybercriminals are always looking for easy paths to get onto your device. Updating your device and software is the easiest way reduce the risk of being a victim of cybercrime.
Securing your email
Protect yourself, your employees and business from an email security incident before it’s too late.
Staying secure online
Connecting with others online
It is easier than ever to stay in contact with people online. However, using popular online apps and tools can make you more susceptible to cybercriminals.
Connecting to public Wi-Fi and hotspots
Public Wi-Fi hotspots are found everywhere in places like your local shops, cafes, hotels and even at some parks. They can be a convenient way to access the internet when you are out, have poor reception or are travelling overseas. Learn more about connecting to public Wi-Fi and hotspots securely.
Cybersecurity for charities and not-for-profits
How to avoid common cyberthreats and protect your mission .
Online shopping
Be secure when shopping online.
Protecting your family
Advice and guidance for parents and guardians to help children have secure experiences online.
Protect yourself from scams
Protect your accounts by recognising and reporting scams.
Secure your user account
Your account preferences could leave you more vulnerable to a cyberattack.
Secure your Wi-Fi and router
How to make your software, devices and networks harder to access and more resilient to attack.
Security tips for remote working
As an employee, you may be more at risk when working away from the office. Learn how to stay secure while working from home or remotely.
Security tips for travelling
Learn how to stay secure while travelling with personal devices.