First published: 17 May 2021
Last updated: 16 Apr 2024

Content written for

Large organisations & infrastructure

The Critical Infrastructure Uplift Program (CI-UP) offers a range of services that assist critical infrastructure (CI) partners to improve their resilience against cyberattacks.


Leading the way to cyber resilience for Australia's Critical Infrastructure

The Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ASD’s ACSC) offers the CI-UP as part of ASD’s REDSPICE initiative.

Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy 2020 identified the need for the Australian Government to work with industry to uplift its cybersecurity and actively assist in defending its networks. As part of the REDSPICE investment, announced in 2022, ASD developed CI-UP – a program dedicated to improving the cybersecurity and resilience of Australia’s most essential CI entities.

Critical Infrastructure Uplift Program (CI-UP)

CI-UP focusses on hardening against attack pathways on CI assets and operational technology (OT) environments.

A voluntary, nation-wide threat-driven program, CI-UP focuses on improving CI’s cybersecurity in a range of areas including:

  • enhancing visibility of malicious activity and awareness of vulnerabilities;
  • enhancing the ability to contain and respond to an incident; and
  • furthering a cybersecurity culture.

CI-UP Activities

CI-UP offers a series of programs that share uplift and hardening advice and provide technical assistance. These include:

  • 1:1 Uplift Activities – invitation-only activities focussed on uplifting the cybersecurity of CI assets most important to Australia’s national security;
  • Operational Technology Information Exchanges (OT-IEs) – forums for ASD partners in CI sectors with OT capability to discuss the cyberthreat landscape in OT in a neutral and trusted environment; and
  • CI-UP presentations, briefings and workshops – providing sector‑specific insights and trends across a range of CI partners.

Who can take part?

ASD works directly with select ASD partners on the availability of CI-UP Services.

CI organisations that are part of the Australian Signals Directorate's Cybersecurity Partnership Program may be invited to participate in CI-UP activities. Interest in the program may be expressed through ASD’s National Partnership teams.

Organisations that are not yet ASD partners, may register to join the Australian Signals Directorate’s Cybersecurity Partnership Program.


Please visit, contact or call 1300CYBER1 for further information.

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