Practical ways to protect yourself online

Take control of your cybersecurity and reduce the impact of a cyberattack

Update your devices

Making sure your devices are up to date is an easy way to boost your cybersecurity.

Set up and perform regular backups

Learn how to make a copy of your files so you don’t lose valuable data.

Turn on multi-factor authentication

It’s harder for people to guess your details when you have extra checks in place.

Set secure passphrases

Change your passwords to passphrases to improve your cybersecurity online.

Recognise and report scams

How to recognise scams and what to do if you become a victim of one.

Watch out for threats

Learn how to identify common cyberattacks and defend yourself against them. 

Level up your cybersecurity

Check out the following cybersecurity tips

Tip #

Think about what you post online

Be mindful about what information you share online and who can access it. Once something is online, it can be nearly impossible to delete.

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Tip #

Get alerts on new cyberthreats

Sign up to our free alert service. You’ll receive an alert when we identify a new cyberthreat. The alert service will also help you through what to do if a cyberattack happens.

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Tip #

Talk about cybersecurity with your family and friends

Be generous and assist your older relatives. If you have a small business, upskill your staff by training and talking about cybersecurity.

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Tip #

Avoid public Wi-Fi when you’re banking or shopping online

If you are buying something or making a transaction online, do not use public Wi-Fi. Instead, use only a trusted Wi-Fi connection or mobile data.

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Tip #

Report cyberattacks and cybersecurity incidents to keep Australia secure

If you think you’re a victim of a cybercrime or cybersecurity incident, report it via ReportCyber or over the phone on 1300 CYBER1.

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Tip #

Got mail? Check the sender’s name against their email address

Scam emails can seem real. One check is to ensure the sender's email matches the sender's name. If it doesn't, it may be a scam and you should report it and delete.

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