Content written for

Individuals & families
Small & medium business

Most devices in your home and business connect to each other and to the internet. This may include your smartphone, computer, router, smart TV and speakers. It makes it easier to stay connected, entertained and productive.

More connectivity also brings the risk of online threats. Cybercriminals use many tactics to carry out their attacks. If they hack your device, they could get access to your sensitive data or accounts.

This guide provides some tips and resources to help you secure your devices.

Follow basic security steps

No matter what devices you are using, there are basic steps you can take to protect them.

Practice good security habits

It is important to practice secure habits and watch out for threats. Follow these tips to stay secure no matter where you are.

More resources to help secure your device

Follow our guides for securing different types of devices for work and personal use. This includes information on remote use and user accounts.

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