Alongside the Australian Federal Police, we have released the new publication "Bulletproof" hosting providers: Cracks in the armour of cybercriminal infrastructure to help Australian organisations better understand what Bulletproof Hosting (BPH) providers are, and how they aid cybercriminal activities.
Beneath every instance of network compromise, stolen credentials, ransomware, or data theft and sale on illicit forums, is secure infrastructure that enables cybercriminals to operate and remain hidden online. Very few cybercriminals have the skills and expertise to manage and maintain secure, undetectable and resilient infrastructure on their own. BPH providers are illicit infrastructure providers that actively deliver this service and directly enable thousands of cybercriminals to target victims across the globe.
The term "bulletproof" is pure marketing. In reality, these services are susceptible to disruption. Because they often service many cybercriminals at once, if disrupted, the flow on effects can be significant. Working together to target BPH providers represents a valuable opportunity to disrupt hundreds to thousands of cybercriminals at once.
For more information, read the full publication.