First published: 12 Jul 2018
Last updated: 12 Jul 2018

Content written for

Large organisations & infrastructure

Our National Exercise Program helps critical infrastructure and government organisations validate and strength Australia's nationwide cyber security arrangements.

Every organisation should have an incident response plan in place and regularly review and test it, to ensure an effective response and fast recovery following a cyber incident.

What the National Exercise Program provides

The program can help broaden your understanding of the roles and responsibilities of key government agencies and private sector organisations when responding to a cyber security incident. The program uses exercises and other readiness activities that target strategic decision-making, operational and technical capabilities, strategic engagement and communications.

How to participate

We offer our program to owners and operators of Australia’s critical infrastructure and Australian, state and territory government organisations.

If you have any questions you can contact us or call 1300 CYBER1 (1300 292 371)

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