First published: 02 May 2024
Last updated: 02 May 2024

Content written for

Individuals & families

In today's digital age, children are more connected than ever. While the internet provides many ways to learn and socialise, it also exposes children to online threats, such as identity theft and online predators. As a parent or carer, it is crucial you understand the importance of cyber security.

The steps in this guide can help you ensure that your children stay safe and secure online.

Tips for securing accounts and devices

Cybercriminals use a range of tactics to carry out their attacks. Their aim is to steal personal information about you and your family for money and other motives. Let your children know about common online threats to:

  • information – stealing passwords to accounts
  • identity – stealing personal information to impersonate others
  • finances – accessing bank accounts or demanding money.

Below are actions you can take to minimise these risks.

If you are still unsure or need immediate help, report it. If you suspect your child has had a negative experience online, share our advice with them on how to get help.

Social media and gaming

Social media and gaming can be an engaging way to connect with friends, share interests and explore new ideas. But not everyone using social media or gaming platforms are who they say they are.

CyberSprinters is an educational game for 7–11 year olds by the UK's National Cyber Security Centre. It also has interactive online security resources and activities. CyberSprinters gives children a head start on staying cyber secure by helping them to make smart decisions. You can play the game with your children and try the puzzles together at home. Find out more about CyberSprinters.

How to recognise scams

Not everyone using social media or gaming devices are who they say they are. By learning how to spot scams and following these tips, you can help your children stay secure online. You should also report scams to Scamwatch as it helps to protect us all from scams.

Are your children old enough?

Children who are neurodiverse may have specific needs. You should tailor guidance and resources to suit their learning style and pace. For example, use visual aids or interactive activities.

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