The best way to beat cyberthreats is to practice good cybersecurity and know what to look for

Cybersecurity attacks are devastating for victims.

Get to know some of the common threats reported to us, so you will know what to do if it happens to you.

Protecting against cyberthreats

Learn about common cyberthreats and what to do if you're faced with them. There are five simple steps you can take to stay secure.

Make sure you know what to look for:

At home

The average household owns 17 devices that connect to the internet.

Devices make life easier but open more ways for cyber criminals to attack. Know what to look for and how to secure them. Visit protecting your family to learn more.

On the go

Be mindful of your internet-connected devices when you’re travelling.

Protect yourself when using public computers or Wi-Fi. Look at using public computerstravelling overseas with electronic devices and use a secure connection for more.

In your business

A cybersecurity incident that impacts a small business can be devastating.

Learn what to look for to secure your business. For more guidance, look at our small business cybersecurity guide.

Common cyberthreats

Know what to look for to stay in control of your devices and applications

Account compromise

Account compromise is when criminals get unauthorised access to your email, banking, or other accounts.

Business email compromise

Email attacks designed to steal your money, goods or information.


Cryptocurrency mining (cryptomining) uses the processing power of computers to solve complex mathematical problems and verify cybercurrency transactions. The miners are then rewarded with a small amount of cybercurrency.

Data breaches

Sometimes personal information is released to unauthorised people by accident or as the result of a security breach. These are known as data breaches or data spills. 


Hacking refers to unauthorised access of a system or network, often to exploit a system’s data or manipulate its normal behaviour. 

Identity theft

Identity theft is when a cybercriminal gains access to your personal information to steal money or gain other benefits. 

Malicious insiders

Malicious insiders can be employees, former employees, contractors or business associates who have legitimate access to your systems and data, but use that access to destroy data, steal data or sabotage your systems.


Malware is software that cybercriminals use to harm your computer system or network. Types of malware include Trojans, viruses and worms.


Attempts to trick you into giving away personal information.


Quishing is a form of phishing attack that uses QR codes instead of text-based links in emails, digital platforms or on physical items.


Ransomware is a common and dangerous type of malware. It works by locking up or encrypting your files so you can no longer access them. 


Online scams cost Australians millions of dollars each year and anyone can be targeted. Scammers often use familiar brands and logos to make themselves seem reliable. 

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