This page lists publications on security that concerns the behaviour of people and virtual communities of people.
Detecting socially engineered messages
Socially engineered messages pose a significant threat to organisations. They can have a big impact, helping malicious actors access accounts, systems or sensitive information. Learn how to spot a socially engineered message, including through email, SMS, social media or messaging apps.
Protecting against business email compromise
Business email compromise is when malicious actors use email to abuse trust in business processes to scam organisations out of money or goods. Malicious actors can impersonate business representatives using similar names, domains or fraudulent logos as a legitimate organisation or by using compromised email accounts and pretending to be a trusted co-worker.
Security tips for social media and messaging apps
Social media and messaging apps can pose risks to the security and privacy of individuals and organisations. This advice provides practical tips to keep individuals and businesses secure when connecting online.
Travelling with mobile devices
Learn how to keep mobile devices secure when travelling. This guidance provides advice from both an individual and organisational perspective.